Knowledge Base

Microsoft Security Defaults (Setting up Multi-factor \ Two Factor Authentication)

Microsoft are enforcing the use of “Security Defaults” on organization tenancies and as part of these default settings user accounts are required to be set up for Multi-factor \ Two factor authentication.

Setting Up Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

If you are required to set up MFA, when signing into your Microsoft 365 account, you will be prompted that “More Information is Required”. Clicking next will take you to the MFA setup.

You will need to get the Microsoft Authenticator application (or you can use another app if you already have one such as Google Authenticator).

If using the Microsoft Authenticator App you can just click Next.

If using another Authenticator App click the “I want to use a different authenticator app” link.

Following the prompts on-screen, open your authenticator app and add an account to it.

Scan the QR Code, when added to your account enter the number supplied to verify your device.

After your Authenticator app is set up, you will be prompted to enter your phone number as an alternative method to access your account (via text message). Enter your phone number and click Next.

Enter the 6 digit number sent to you via text message.

You account is now set up for MFA\2FA which you will need to use when signing in from a new device.

Need to reset your MFA\2FA to set it up again for a new phone number or device?

If we manage your Microsoft 365, we can reset it for you on request.

If we do not manage your Microsoft 365, you will need to contact your Microsoft 365 global administrator.


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