Knowledge Base

Manual Change of Registrant Requirements

A Statutory Declaration alone is no longer acceptable to perform a manual Change of Registrant for a domain with an inactive ABN or ACN. From this point forward the requirements are now:

  • A copy of a sales agreement showing that the business was sold or changed hands; or
  • A signed letter on company letterhead stating that the domain has changed hands; or
  • Any valid document showing the domain name or business has changed hands. 

Should any of the above not be possible to provide, you would then need to complete a Transfer of Domain Name Chain of Title form WITH a statutory declaration validating that everything is valid and true to the best of your knowledge.

Note: There are no application fees for submitting a Transfer of Domain Name Change of Title form, however, a renewal of two years is required to process the Change of Registrant.

Resellers should advise their clients of the importance of maintaining a valid domain name registration and to process Change of Registrants PRIOR to ABN\ACN's being cancelled to avoid the Manual Change of Registrant process as a Change of Registrant can be completed without any documentation while the ABN\ACN is still active.

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