Knowledge Base

Configure Exchange Email on Office 2011 for Mac

To configure Outlook 2010 for Managed Exchange follow the steps below.

  1. Open Outlook 2011 for Mac
  2. Select Tools -> Accounts
  3. Select Exchange Account
  4. Enter the following information: 
    • ​​​​​​​E-mail Address: <your email address>
    • Authentication Method: User Name & Password
    • Authentication User Name: <your email address>
    • Authenciation Passowrd: <your email account password>
    • Configure Automatically: Checked
  5. Click Add Account.
    This process may take a couple of minutes to complete during thisyou may see a pop up box to inform you that Outlook is redirecting to another URL. Check "Always use my response for this server" and click Allow.

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